1 Autonomous Vision Group, MPI for
Intelligent Systems Tübingen2 University of Tübingen 3 Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland4 École Polytechique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) 5 Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems6 NVIDIA7 University of Toronto8 Vector Institute
Our model learns to parse 3D objects into
geometrically accurate and semantically consistent part arrangements
without any part-level supervision. Our evaluations on ShapeNet objects,
D-FAUST humans and FreiHAND hands demonstrate that our primitives can capture complex
geometries and thus simultaneously achieve geometrically accurate as well as
interpretable reconstructions using an order of magnitude fewer primitives than
state-of-the-art shape abstraction methods.
Approach Overview
Primitive-based representations seek to infer
semantically consistent part arrangements across
different object instances. Existing primitive-based
methods rely on simple shapes for decomposing complex objects
into parts such as cuboids, superquadrics, spheres or
convexes. Due to their simple parametrization, these primitives
have limited expressivity and cannot capture arbitrarily
complex geometries. Therefore, existing part-based methods
require a large number of primitives for extracting
geometrically accurate reconstructions. However, using more
primitives comes at the expense of less interpretable
reconstructions. Namely, a primitive is not an identifiable
part anymore.
We introduce a novel 3D primitive representation that is
defined as a deformation between shapes and is
parametrized as a learned homeomorphic mapping
implemented with an Invertible Neural Network
(INN). We argue that a primitive should be a non
trivial genus-zero shape with well defined implicit and explicit representations. Using an INN allows us to efficiently compute
the implicit and explicit representation of the predicted shape
and impose various constraints on the predicted parts. In contrast to prior work,
that directly predict the primitive parameters (i.e. centroids and sizes for cuboids
and superquadrics and hyperplanes for convexes), we employ the INN to fully define each primitive.
This allows us to have primitives that capture arbitrarily
complex geometries, hence the ability of our model to parse
objects into expressive shape abstractions that are more
geometrically accurate using an order of magnitude fewer
primitives compared to approaches that rely on simple convex
shape primitives.
Given an input image and a watertight mesh
of the target object we seek to learn a representation with M
primitives that best describes the target object. We define our
primitives via a deformation between shapes that is
parametrized as a learned homeomorphism implemented with an
Invertible Neural Network (INN). For each primitive, we seek to
learn a homeomorphism between the 3D space of a simple
genus-zero shape and the 3D space of the target object, such
that the deformed shape matches a part of the target object. Due
to its simple implicit surface definition and tesselation, we
employ a sphere as our genus-zero shape. Note that using an INN
allows us to efficiently compute the implicit and explicit representation of
the predicted shape and impose various constraints on the predicted parts.
In the following interactive visualization, the naming of the
parts has been done manually. However, the model had no part
supervision during training. The semantic parts have
emerged naturally from reconstructing the geometry.
Comparison to Primitive-based Methods
We compare the representation power of Neural Parts to
other primitive-based methods by evaluating the
reconstruction quality with varying number of primitives on
three datasets. We observe that our model is more
geometrically accurate, more semantically consistent and
yields more meaningful parts (i.e. primitives are
identifiable parts such as thumbs, legs, wings, tires,
etc.) compared to simpler primitives.
Semantic Consistency
We observe that Neural Parts consistently use the same
primitive for representing the same object part regardless of
the breadth of the part's motion. Notably, this
temporal consistency is an emergent property
of our method and not one that is enforced with any
kind of loss.
This research was supported by the Max Planck ETH Center for
Learning Systems.